Natural Cures for Ringing in the Ears
Ringing in the ears is a symptom, not a disease. To a certain extent, it is normal. However, tinnitus can be an indicator of a more serious condition. It is often associated with hearing loss that is caused by aging. When the ringing becomes very loud, it can become a major nuisance. You can't cure tinnitus that is caused by nerve damage, but you can alleviate it.
Normal ringing in the ears often goes away in just a few minutes. When ringing in the ears is persistent, it is considered tinnitus. In the majority of cases it can only be heard by the sufferer. Men suffer from tinnitus more often than women. It is also more common in people over the age of 40 than in young people. There may be a sound of pulsation inside your ears. This is caused by muscular contractions near the ear, internal changes within the ear and by blood flow. If the sound is constant, it is being caused by problems with the auditory nerve.
Absolute silence can make ringing in the ears seem louder. Putting on a little bit of soft music or using a white noise machine can help. If you have determined that ear wax is the cause, try using a natural ear wax removal kit. If you have problems with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ), try gently stretching and massaging your jaw. See your naturopathic physician to treat an infection of the ear.
Many commonly used alternative remedies for tinnitus have not been tested. Always try to remove the cause of the ringing before you spend money on treatments, such as acupuncture, hypnosis and herbal or nutritional supplements. Although some doctors have used niacin to treat tinnitus, it has not been proven effective in studies. In addition, niacin can cause skin flushing.
In many cases, you can reduce your risk of experiencing tinnitus. Get regular exercise, such as walking, bicycling or yoga. Work to maintain a normal weight. Avoid extremely loud noises, excessive caffeine and alcohol and large amounts of aspirin. Quit smoking, and if you don't smoke yet, don't start. If you are quitting smoking, don't use a nicotine patch or gum, as these can reduce blood flow to the ear and exacerbate tinnitus.