Early Symptoms of Candida
Everyone has friendly flora that grows in the digestive tract and if the person has a healthy immune system, the candida bacteria is kept in check. If not, candida overwhelms the friendly bacteria to create discomfort.
Prevention includes removing all foods with yeast or mold and all forms of sugar, including fruit. Grapefruit seed extract and consuming live cultured yogurt can prevent and alleviate candida.
Candida albicans is a well-known bacteria that grows in moist areas of the body. It is normally kept in check by friendly bacteria in the gut.
If someone is ill and run down, his immune system may be compromised and he may have an overgrowth of candida bacteria.
Candida can also be transmitted to another person through sexual contact. To eliminate it, the candida must be managed and eliminated before intimate contact can resume or there is a "ping pong" effect where the infection is transmitted back and forth between two people.
Feelings of unexplained fatigue, mental fogginess are early symptoms of candida. People with candida complain of exhaustion even though they have not done any extreme physical exertion.
Later, symptoms may develop into yeast infections in women which is seen as vaginal discharge. Men can have yeast infections but may show no external signs of it.
If you eat a lot of food made from molds, yeast or with a high sugar intake, you may be more prone to candida infections.
Yeasted breads is very common and pizza is in the same category. Cheese is made with mold and sugar intake includes fruits, fruit juice as well as maple syrup, corn syrup, molasses and honey. Stevia is not in this category.
These foods tend to worsen a case of candida as the yeast, mold and sugars "feed" the candida bacteria and allow it to foster. Eliminating these foods until the candida has been eliminated is one way to stop the infection.
The greatest misconception is that only women get candida albican infections as they are often defined as yeast infections.
Men can get candida from sexual contact with women who have it, but they can also develop it on their own.
Sources are a compromised immune system that does not keep the candida bacteria from growing and consuming foods that feed the infection, such as yeasted foods, foods made from mold and sugars of all types.
If you get yeast infections or exhibit the other symptoms of candida, examine your diet, work and home environments.
Remove yeasted foods, foods made from molds and all sugars from your diet. This includes mushrooms, leftover foods (that have micro molds growing on them) and also fruit sugars.
Eliminate actual mold from bathrooms, the basement and the garage to not expose yourself to it. If you are too sick to clean these areas, have someone else do it.
Consume probiotics which are live cultures such as acidophilus lactobacillus as supplements or yogurts with these live cultures. Read labels to identify these cultures.