About Natural Body Cleansing
Fasting with herb remedies can promote the body's innate ability to purify toxins. Herbal detoxing helps the body naturally to remove harmful impurities without the side effects of harsher cleansing methods. Fasting is a generally safe and effective way to help the body move through its low cycles more quickly and with less discomfort. Fasting gives the body a break from digesting foods, allowing it to heal better from allergies, some colon problems and poor respiratory health. Fasting facilitates the body's natural cleansing abilities.
When fasting, many cleansing activities occur. The body continues its normal excretion of toxins and experiences reduced influx of new toxins. Overall toxicity lessens.The energy usually directed to digestion redirects to promote increased immune function, cell growth and waste elimination functions. Toxic chemicals from various external sources are shed. The body becomes more sensitive to negative diet and environmental influences.
Because of the ways that fasting functions, the body experiences many benefits. A fasting cleanse can help decrease healing times. Fasting cleanses the liver, colon and kidneys. Some people lose water weight. The eyes and tongue clear and the breath freshens. To reap lasting benefits from fasting with herbs, fast between 3 to 5 days monthly. Perform a 10-day fast, twice annually.
Fasts are recommended at various points to promote and maintain health. Three-day fasts aid the body's naturally occurring purifying abilities and purifies the blood. Five-day fasts initiate healing and strengthen the immune system. Ten-days fasts are the grand-daddies of body cleansing. A 10-day fast can stop potential illnesses before they occur. The immune system is strengthened, helping to stave off degenerative diseases that are the result of environmental pollutants.
A variety of herbs complement a cleansing fast. Herbs can be used in various ways. You can drink herbal teas during a fast, usually as many cups as desired. Suggested teas include chamomile (do not use if allergic to ragweed), red clover and rosehips to help the liver and flush impurities from the bloodstream. You may drink a blend of 2 parts each echinacea and pau d'arco and 1 part unsweetened organic cranberry juice. Drink four times daily to rebuild the immune system and promote healthy bladder function. (Do not take echinacea if suffering from autoimmune disorders.) Peppermint tea calms and eases indigestion. Ingest garlic capsules or garlic extract twice a day. This helps flush parasites from the colon.
Always consult a physician before beginning a fast and before using any herbs. Never go on a water fast, which works too quickly and causes physical problems. The best fast is a live-juice diet, which cleanses, gives the body necessary nutrients, and promotes healing. Certain health conditions such as diabetes and hypoglycemia require a doctor's supervision. Never fast when pregnant or lactating. Fasting is not a quick fix to the buildup of years of toxins in the system. The body will feel healthy, but it takes time.