How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor Naturally
If you don't want to be prescribed conventional treatments, such as antibiotics, there are some natural remedies you may want to give a try to rid you of your problem. See your gynecologist, if this condition persists.
Things You'll Need
- Modified diet
- Purified water
- Tea tree oil
- Tampon
- Plain, unsweetened yogurt
- Cotton panties
- Panty liners
- Plain soap
- Liquid chlorophyll
Watch your diet. Cut out or reduce foods and drinks that add to the problem such as mushrooms, bread, sugary foods, beer and coffee, which can increase the amount of yeast in your vagina. Just making these nutritional changes can make a difference.
Mix 6-ounces of purified water with 2 drops of tea tree oil and apply it to the vaginal area. Since tea tree oil is anti-fungal and antibacterial in nature, it can help to get rid of the bacteria that contributes to your feminine odor.
Insert a tampon that has been dipped into plain, unsweetened yogurt into your vagina to address the odor. The healthy bacteria in yogurt should help to fight the unhealthy bacteria, prevent it from worsening and help eliminate the fishy, unpleasant odor. Do not use yogurt that is flavored or that contains sugar, because this will only worsen your condition. After removing the tampon, remember to wash your vagina thoroughly.
Give up the fancy panties. Those satin underwear may look pretty, but they could be exacerbating your condition. Replace them with cotton panties. Additionally, wearing a pantyliner should help improve the situation.
Stay away from scented soaps and body washes, as they will likely worsen the problem. Opt for a plain, unscented soap that won't increase the discharge that produces vaginal odor.
Ingest 1 tbsp. of liquid chlorophyll in an 8-ounce glass of water twice a day or as directed by the product you choose to use. Chlorophyll, derived from green plants, is an internal deodorizer. Don't be alarmed if your tongue turns a blackish hue or your urine and feces turn green when taking chlorophyll as these are common, harmless side-effects.
Check with your doctor before taking chlorophyll, if you are on any prescription medication or are being treated for a serious medical condition.