How to Lose Weight with The Secret (Law of Attraction)
To lose weight using The Secret (as written by Rhonda Byrne), you must first understand the law of attraction. The law of attraction states that you can have anything you want, as long as you believe that it is rightfully yours. Anything you desire, you can manifest. Using this powerful law of the Universe, you can lose weight by manifesting a thinner, healthier body.
To lose weight using the law of attraction, you must sit quietly, close your eyes, and imagine how it would feel to live in a thinner, healthier body. Think about this for several minutes, actually feeling what it would feel like to zip up smaller jeans with no problems, what it would look like to see a smaller version of yourself in the mirror. When you open your eyes, you must believe that this body is yours.
By doing this, you're not being delusional, you're simply believing that the Universe will deliver that which you have asked for. This does not mean that you can continue to eat unhealthily. Rather, with the help of the Universe, you will begin to lose your appetite for unhealthy foods, and you'll most likely develop a healthier diet with little effort and no suffering. Even if you don't like exercise, you will most likely find yourself wanting to move your body in order to strengthen it.
Each morning, as soon as you wake up, before your feet even touch the ground, give thanks. You don't have to be a religious person to give thanks. Simply thank the Universe for the thinner, healthier body (even if you don't have it yet. Remember, The Secret it believing that what you want will be delivered to you.).
Each night, as you're falling asleep, thank the Universe for the thinner healthier body that you have been given. Even this bit of positive thinking may boost your metabolism to help you lose weight because you are no longer thinking like a defeated heavier person.
While employing The Secret Law of attraction to lose weight, do not shop for clothing. Buying clothing in large sizes is an acknowledgment that you are not the thinner body that you are manifesting. You don't necessarily have to shop for smaller clothing now (because trying on clothing that doesn't fit might be depressing and will flood you with negative thoughts again). Do not, however, buy clothing at your current large size. Even if a major event comes up, find ways to either make due with your current wardrobe or borrow something from a heavy, like-sized person.
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