Growth Hormone Side Effects
Naturally made in the brain's pituitary gland, HGH, also known as somatotrophin, is said to promote healthy cells and growth throughout the body. However, with aging, less HGH is produced, resulting in aging problems, such as low bone density, hair loss and wrinkles. The hormone is made from a complex genetic engineering process. Decades ago, it was derived from removing the pituitary gland from dead bodies and then was processed. In 1979 biotechnology pioneer David Goeddel discovered how to manufacture a substance that converts into HGH in a human body. HGH originally was designed to promote cell production and growing disorders in children, adults and some animals. However, HGH has recently gained attention for improving and even reversing aging problems.
HGH is used to build muscles and increase stamina, as well as prolong youth, slowing down and sometimes ending aging problems. Its claims range from reducing body fat to strengthening muscles and overall strength to improved skin, more energy and a better immune system. The hormone is also supposed to improve memory, boost sex drive, improve sleep disorders, banish depression and even reverse osteoporosis.
Side Effects
Although proponents of HGH claim it is only with excessive use that side effects can occur, others cautiously avoid taking it because of the many side effects linked with it. A condition known as acromegaly is the most common side effect. Involving the overgrowth of facial bone and connective tissue, acromegaly results in an altered appearance, consisting of an overhanging jaw and bony eyebrows. What is more this medical condition can cause further problems, leading to an odd growth of hands and feet with excessive hair growing throughout the body. Ironically, this abnormality shortens rather than lengthens life expectancy, resulting in premature death, another side effect. HGH can also lead to an enlarged heart or kidneys which can threaten life. Because your liver is forced to work harder with HGH in your bloodstream, taking the hormone can result in liver damage, as well as hurting the thyroid. Low blood sugar, with the likelihood of a diabetic coma is another side effect. Because of the side effect of extreme water retention, congested heart failure can occur. Other side effects include hypertension (high blood pressure), carpal tunnel syndrome, stiff joints and muscles, and numbness in hands and fatigue.
Warning of Allergic Reactions
Even if you are in good health, consult your doctor before taking HGH. Also, be aware of any allergic reactions to the hormone such as chest or throat tightness, rashes or itchy skin. Manufacturers of HGH claim the hormone is safe if it is given under supervision. However, there is a price to be paid for that supervision. Therefore, often people inject the hormone using spurious products bought at cheaper prices. However, they risk their lives to do so. By sharing needles to inject yourself with HGH, you run a high risk of transferring some of the most fatal blood-borne viruses known, such as the AIDS virus.
HGH can come in many forms. For example, you can obtain a prescription from your doctor for injections of it, or you can also take an over-the-counter supplement which increases the body's natural production of the hormone. Besides capsules, HGH also comes in sprays, powders and effervescent tablets.
Some athletes who have used HGH have believed that using HGH improves muscles and stamina. However, just increasing strength doesn't necessarily improve athletic performance. They believe the myth that muscle mass results from taking HGH. But, muscle mass is the result of proper training and diet, rather than steroids and HGH supplements. In other words, HGH should never be substituted for the hard work of training and diet.