Importance of Colon Cleansing
Also known as colon irrigation or hydrotherapy, colon cleansing is a detoxification method of removing or neutralizing body toxins. In simple terns, it's a high class enema done by professionals. Besides toxins, colon cleansing rids the colon of wastes, congestion, excess mucus, and fat that can be trapped inside the intestinal walls for years.
There are several benefits to having your colon cleansed. Colon cleansing improves the immune system for better health. In addition to toxins and bacteria, the colon can be the breeding ground to parasites which often lay eggs in the colon. With a weakened immune system, this can cause diseases.
Reducing or even eliminating constipation is an important benefit. Because a poor diet deprives one of essential nutrients, intestinal walls can become compacted with a plaque-like substance. It's easier for waste to pass through your system after a cleanse. Bouts with diarrhea can be reduced or prevented. As diarrhea is caused by toxins, solidifying the waste makes the process worthwhile.
Colon cleansing energizes you. You will naturally feel better and be more productive. Protection from cancer is a benefit. By ridding the body of toxins and debris, you reduce the chance of cancer.
Weight loss is another bonus. If you've already lost some weight--yet have reached a plateau--consider a colon cleansing. The process can flush out stagnant fecal matter.
Cleaning out your colon can improve your skin. When the colon is clogged with toxins, this overburden can back up into the skin.
In colon hydrotherapy a tube filled with filtered, lukewarm water is inserted through the anus into the colon. Toxins, with debris and mucus which have build up for years, are flushed out of the colon.
Taking special supplements is another method. Powdered or liquid supplements--usually made up of herbs and nutrients--are are sold in special kits.
Oxygenated colon irrigation is using oxygenated water to remove toxins and waste by-products, cleaning out attached fecal waste from the colon and lower intestines.
Changing your diet is another way to cleanse the colon. Although this process is slower, it may be a good choice if you don't like anything inserted into your colon. Begin eating fifty percent raw food (See Resources) with a teaspoon of linseed. Alternatively, take two level teaspoons of Metamucil or Citrucel with that food.
If you have medical problems such as diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, severe hemorrhoids, rectal problems, or intestinal tumors, you should not have a colon cleansing. Even if you don't have any health problems, still check with your doctor before doing a colon cleanse.
If you have a family history of colon cancer, colon cleansing is especially recommended. By having your colon cleaned at least yearly, you can ensure your colon is working smoothly
By mixing Metamucil or Citrucel with yogurt, it's easier to swallow. As water is vital to the cleansing process, drink at two quarts daily during the cleansing process. Begin with at least a pint of hot water after waking up in the morning.
Some people hesitate to go through a colon cleanse because they're hesitant to drink that much water, fearing their bodies will retain fluid. On the contrary, not getting enough water forces the body to hang on to the little ration that it has.