How to Deal with Negative Emotions
ACKNOWLEDGE your emotions. Are you mad, bitter, or jealous, etc? Don't repress or ignore those emotions. Admit that you feel that way. That's the first step toward healing. Acknowledging how you feel gives you the power to change how you feel.
DON'T JUDGE yourself. Having negative emotions does not make you a "bad" person. Your emotions are simply a response to an event, situation or person. You are not your emotions. You are a spiritual being having a human experience. And negative emotions are part of that human experience.
VENT. Get those negative emotions out of your system. Find constructive ways to channel that energy. Write your feelings down in a diary. Exercise. Talk to trusted friend. Pray. Meditate. Scream! Releasing those emotions makes you feel better and helps you heal.
MOVE ON. Emotions are attached to events, situations and people. So don't focus on past experiences that stir-up those negative emotions. What's done is done. You can't change the past. However, you can change the way you feel NOW. All you have is this moment so enjoy it!