What Is a High Colonic?
A high colonic, also called colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation, is performed using a special machine which flushes water through the colon. One flexible tube is inserted into the rectum and water is pumped into the colon via this tube. Another tube, which removes loosened waste and excess water, is also inserted. Fluid is introduced only gradually into the colon through natural gravity or gentle pressure. A high colonic is similar to an enema, only a high colonic uses a greater volume of fluid and this is pushed higher into the colon. Colonic irrigation fluid may contain only plain water, or may contain herbal mixtures or other substances thought to be therapeutic.
A high colonic is used to flush old, decaying material from the colon. Practitioners claim that old decaying feces provide a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Removing the old feces is believed, by some, to prevent disease and restore health. Colon hydrotherapy is also used to relieve constipation.
Time Frame
Colon hydrotherapy sessions can last 30 minutes to over an hour. Rarely do sessions take longer than this. Sessions may be a one time event, or may continue once a month or a few times a year.
Most people should consult a doctor before scheduling a high colonic. This is especially important if one has a medical condition of any kind. Although cramping and general discomfort is not felt by all who have a high colonic, it is not rare. Pain, however, is not a normal experience during the procedure. If you feel pain, alert the therapist immediately. Colon hydrotherapy should only be performed by trained certified colon hydrotherapists or medical personnel. In addition, make certain that all equipment used is sterile and that the procedure is done in a sanitary environment.
The colon is lined with protective mucus and contains beneficial bacteria. These are eliminated, at least temporarily, with colonic irrigation. Frequent colon hydrotherapy sessions may disrupt your colon's natural balance. Many naturopaths and holistic healers strongly advocate colon hydrotherapy. Many traditional medical doctors do not. Before choosing to have a high colonic, it's wise to listen to both sides.