How to Use Coconut Oil to Combat Bacterial and Viral Illness
How does that translate to helping fight of illness? Some saturated fat is necessary for our bodies to function at peak performance. Not all saturated fats are equal. Coconut oil is one of the best for our bodies. Not only is it easily digested, it also increases our metabolism, and it contains a fatty acid called lauric acid. Lauric acid metabolizes into monglyceride. Monoglyceride has strong anti-pathenogenic properties. When the amount of naturally produced monoglyceride in your body increases, your body is more able to fight infection. It creates a unfriendly chemical environment in your body that makes bad bacteria, viruses and fungi less able to reproduce. Read more to learn about the benefits of this oil.
Things You'll Need
- Food grade, organic, extra virgin coconut oil--2 to 4 tbsp. per day
Find a resource for organic, extra-virgin coconut oil that will allow you to purchase your supply at a reasonable price, as coconut oil can be quite expensive. You can usually find food-grade coconut oils at your local natural or whole foods store or co-op for prices that range between $5 and $8 per pound.
Replace the fats that you would normally use in cooking, such as for frying eggs or stir-frying vegetables, or even replace butter on your popcorn with coconut oil, making sure that you have an intake of 2 to 4 tbsp. of coconut oil per day.
It will take several weeks for the lauric acid and monoglyceride levels to become elevated and reduce pathogens abilities to reproduce. This is a lifestyle change that will have to continue to be practiced in order for it to remain effective.