How to Cure Acid Reflux Naturally
The first step to curing acid reflux is to understand that your body is over-producing stomach acid because it is having difficulty breaking down food. Stomach acid is necessary to properly digest food. If your food isn't being digested properly, your body's natural reaction is to increase production of stomach acid. Acid reflux medications such as Prevacid, Nexium, Zantac, and many others are dangerous because they neutralize acid and interfere with your body's natural ability to digest food. The inability to digest food is the reason your body is over-producing the acid in the first place, so the problem is perpetuated.
There are several dietary changes that can be made to reduce or cure acid reflux. Eat small meals and avoid over eating. Chew your food well. The digestive process actually begins with saliva in your mouth. Saliva and chewing begin breaking down the food, so don't rush this step. Drink small amounts of water with meals to avoid feeling overly full.
Raw fruits and vegetables contain enzymes that are destroyed when food is cooked. Anyone suffering from acid reflux disease is lacking digestive enzymes. Eating more raw foods will assist your body in digestion and assist in curing acid reflux. Additionally, grains, nuts and seeds naturally contain enzyme inhibitors. These enzyme inhibitors are nature's way of preventing sprouting before growing season. People with acid reflux can benefit from learning to soak or sprout grains, nuts and seeds to break down the enzyme inhibitors prior to eating them. Finally, over the counter digestive enzymes are available for times that your meal is not easily digestible. These digestive enzymes will assist your body in breaking down food and are much less dangerous that acid blockers. Some natural practitioners recommend small amounts of apple cider vinegar with meals for this purpose. Digestive enzymes are generally more effective, but feel free to experiment with what works best for you. If acid reflux is severe, using both cures can be used together to assist the body in digesting and prevent acid reflux.
Drink a cup of raw vegetable juice everyday to get the digestive enzymes back into your body. Juice a raw potato, with the peel, cabbage, carrot, or celery juice. Fresh fruits, such as pineapple, papaya, or a banana with your meal will ensure that you have natural digestive enzymes assisting in breaking down your food.
Marshmallow root is one of the oldest and most effective cures for flare-ups of acid reflux. This step will not improve your digestion, but it will minimize the effects of acid reflux should it occur. Make sure you are practicing the healthy eating habits in Steps 3 & 4. Use marshmallow root to cure occasional episodes of acid reflux. Stir 1 teaspoon powdered marshmallow root into 1 cup of water. Sip this up to 4 times daily. It produces mucilage, a thick starchy substance that protects the membranes of your esophagus against acid. Alternatively, sipping teas of ginger root, anise, caraway, or fennel seed can sooth acid reflux. In addition to herbal teas, sipping a large glass of water during symptom flare-ups can often dilute the acid in your stomach making it less painful.
Eat 2-3 hours before lying down. Elevate the head of the bed. If you still have reflux of acid in the nighttime hours, try sleeping on your left side.