How to Use Lavender for Cuts

Lavender essential oil, lovingly referred to as the "universal oil" is one of the most versatile of all oils. Not only is lavender used in perfumes and incense, it can also be used for headaches, insomnia, to ease childbirth, soothe burns, heal bruises and even to treat cuts and minor wounds.

Things You'll Need

  • Lavender essential oil (Lavendula augustifolia, Lavendula spica or Lavendula stoechas)
  • Olive or jojoba oil (optional)
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      Make sure that you purchase a lavender oil which is effective for healing. There are many varieties of lavender; however, only Lavendula augustifolia, Lavendula spica and Lavendula stoechas are known for their healing qualities. Other varieties are often used in perfumes, body lotions and incense, but are not therapeutically useful.

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      Perform a skin patch test before you use lavender oil for cuts or wounds. Lavender is one of the few essential oils consider safe for topical use in an undiluted form; however, each person reacts differently. Place a single drop of oil on the skin of your inner upper arm and watch for reactions for at least 24 hours. If there is no reaction, you can safely use the full strength oil for cuts, bruises and other remedies.

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      Dilute lavender oil with olive or jojoba oil if you notice minor skin reactions. Mixing 1 part lavender to 10 parts of another oil will help to ensure that you do not experience itching, dryness or redness; however, it is important to be aware that diluted lavender will not be as effected as it's full strength form.

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      Apply a drop of lavender essential oil to fresh cuts to help stop bleeding, making lavender perform for those tiny razor cuts as well. Apply lavender to the wound two or three times daily to keep the area clean and prevent infection. Continue to use lavender daily even after the cut has closed to help regenerate skin cells, promote faster healing and reduce scar formation.

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