How to Treat Adrenal Gland Exhaustion With Herbs
Regardless of whether or not you decide to take prescription medication, there are diet and lifestyle changes you can make as well as herbs that will help get your adrenal glands back to normal.
Things You'll Need
- Caffeine-free beverages and foods
- A healthy diet
- Tonics for the adrenal glands, for instance triphala, stinging nettle, black cohosh
- Adaptogenic herbs including Siberian ginseng, astralagas, fo-ti
- Relaxing herbal teas such as oatstraw, chamomile, lemon balm
Stay away from caffeine, especially while your adrenals are healing. Caffeine is just about the worst thing for adrenal exhaustion. It is one of the reasons why it can happen in the first place; and it certainly makes it worse.
Eat a healthy diet to help prevent adrenal fatigue. Adequate protein, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables will provide your body with all of the things it needs to return to a balanced state of health.
Choose an adrenal tonic such as black cohosh, stinging nettle or triphala to help support and nourish the adrenal glands, especially if you live a stressful lifestyle. My personal favorite is stinging nettle. Adrenal gland tonics can be taken over the long term and even if your adrenals aren't fatigued.
Choose an adaptogenic herb such as Siberian ginseng, fo-ti or astralagas. These are herbs that help your body as a whole adapt better to stress and keep the adrenal glands healthy.