How to Make a Home Remedy for a Kidney Infection
Drink a lot of cranberry juice. Cranberry juice makes your urine more acidic, which limits bacteria growth because of the highly acidic environment. Drink at least 16 ounces a day for the desired effect. Ensure that it is 100 percent cranberry juice and not the "cocktail" variety. Fruit cocktails are full of sugar and lack the appropriate concentration of cranberry juice. If cranberry juice in unavailable, take cranberry capsules purchased from your local health store to ease the effects of the kidney infection.
Drink more water than usual to urinate more frequently. During a kidney infection, you need to urinate more often. Each time you urinate the bladder cleanses itself. Frequent urination removes more bacteria and helps heal the infection.
Try herbal therapy. While you wait for the standard course of antibiotics that your doctor prescribes, try an herbal treatment. Bearberry capsules have shown to have some results when it comes to treating kidney infections and are available at health stores. Help the bearberry work by maintaining a diet full of milk, vegetables and fruit juice.
Give aromatherapy a try. Get relief from the pain of your kidney infection through the use of essential oils. Aromatherapist Judith Jackson suggests soaking in a hot bath of eucalyptus and sandalwood. Add 20 drops of each essential oil and soak in the hot bath for at least 10 minutes. Substitute thyme and juniper oil if you enjoy those scents more.