How to Use Herbs to Prevent a Hangover
So, I've learned that the best thing to do isn't always to simply NOT drink. I understand that preventing a hangover is my number one priority. Sure, you can work the next day to fix your hangover-but in my experience, the only thing that helps with the next morning is time.
That's why I now take care of my hangover before it even happens. I use herbs and drink plenty of water to help prevent it. I've used this routine several times and it's been a while since I've woken up the next morning feeling sick.
The number one thing you need to think about is protecting the liver, so the herbs I choose are ones that help strengthen it. Aside from the obvious "drink less," the following measures will really help the liver process the alcohol quicker.
Things You'll Need
- Milk Thistle capsules
- Dandelion Tincture (roots and leaves)
- Burdock Root
- A lot of water
- Eat a healthy meal with the alcohol
Eat and Drink Enough Water
Make sure you eat something before you start drinking, or at least during. And over the course of the night, drink enough water. If you have other things to digest and process besides the alcohol, it will really help. Water speeds the digestive system along.
Take Milk Thistle
Pop around two milk thistle capsules 30 minutes before you start drinking and two more after your are finished drinking. Milk thistle is very healing to the liver; not only can it help protect that sensitive organ, it also helps process the alcohol and move it out of your system. The sooner this happens, the better, and milk thistle helps a lot.
Take Burdock Root and Dandelion Tincture
There are also two tinctures you should take: burdock root and dandelion (the whole plant). Both of these plants help the digestive system and the liver. You can take them before you drink, after and throughout the next day. Follow the instructions on the bottle for the proper way to take it. Most have you mix a few drops of the tincture in some warm water.