How to Assess the Truth of Medical Promotion Information
Less than a hundred years ago, snake oil salesmen abounded in the health care product world. The situation is very similar today, given the plethora of new 'wonder cures' from the world of alternative medicine as well as 'modern' medicine from manufacturers who may not have your best interest at heart. A wise health care consumer knows how to critical evaluate promotional material so that no harm is done to oneself or loved ones.Instructions
When confronted with written material about a health care product, read who is writing it and ask yourself if they have a hidden agenda and if there is any scientific basis for their claims. Remember that pharmaceutical companies as well was garage-based home industries can lie just as effectively to you, and themselves, with regard to their product(s).
Research the product on your own through the internet or other sources (Index Medicus, for instance). Trust only articles that show you sound statistically proven and scientifically conducted trials. If the study is not double blinded (the giver or the project and its consumer not knowing if a placebo is given or the real stuff is given), do not trust the data. Do not trust ANY material that relies on testimonials. See if the assessor of the product has any self interest in the product. Only independent researchers who have nothing to gain by the product being successful can be reliably trusted.
Contact the company who manufactures the product and ask for references relating to how effective and safe the product is. Safely and effectiveness are two separate things. Also, consider what other underlying medical conditions exist in the person who will be getting the product, and if the product in question had any side effects associated with medicinal the potential consumer of the product is taking now.
Consult several pharmacists or other appropriate health care providers with regard to safety and effectiveness of the product, as well as interactions with other medications.