How to Prepare for a Thai Massage Session
Know what you're in for. If you have an image of lying on a cushy table in a dim room for your Thai massage you should think again. Thai massage is closer to yoga than to traditional Western forms of massage. You will most likely be lying on a mat on the floor with the massage therapist using various parts of his body to bend and twist you into therapeutic poses.
Wear comfortable clothing. Unlike Swedish massage, which requires that you strip down to a small towel, Thai massage doesn't use any oil. This means that you stay fully dressed for the massage. Since Thai massage requires a good amount of movement, come dressed in loose and comfortable clothing so that you'll be prepared to do everything the massage therapist requires of you.
Make sure you have no injuries or chronic medical conditions. The relatively high level of activity involved in Thai massage means that there's a chance that the massage could exacerbate injuries or other conditions. If you've had any kind of recent medical troubles check with your doctor and with the massage therapist to make sure that you're body is fully prepared for the massage.
Come with an empty stomach. You should prepare for a Thai massage in a way that's similar to preparing for a run or other form of exercise. You should not be hungry before the massage but it's definitely best to come with an empty stomach or after a very light meal. This will ensure that your body has enough blood available to keep you relaxed and prevent unpleasant muscle cramps.