How to Use Onions for Healing
Cure athlete's foot once in for all with onion juice. Athlete's foot remedies are expensive, and often must be used over long periods to fully cure athlete's foot. Cut a small slice of onion and rub the affected areas two or three times a day until the condition clears up. Treatment usually takes between two and three weeks.
Use an onion for the healing relief of an earache. Cut a large juicy onion in half and place the slice over your affected ear for 30 to 60 minutes. Repeat as necessary to soothe pain. Don't worry if a few drops of juice drop into the ear, as onion juice will help combat infection and inflammation.
Chop up an onion and breathe in the aroma for an emergency eyewash. A speck of dirt, an eyelash or other small object can really irritate the eye; however, trying to remove the object can be difficult and further damage your delicate eye. Get your tears pouring with an onion, and the object will wash easily away with the tears.
Clear a stuffy nose with natural onion juice nasal decongestant. Chop up an onion into small pieces and stir in 1 to 2 tsp. of sugar. Let the onion and sugar set for about a half an hour and strain juice. Drink one tbsp. of juice three times a day for natural healing a stuffy nose.
Dip an onion slice into salt and rub it on a stubborn wart. The onion juice will soften and eventually break down the wart. Repeat three times a day until the wart disappears.
Soothe the burning itch of mosquito bites and bee stings with an onion. Hold the slice of onion over the bite or sting until the discomfort and itch disappears, repeating as necessary. The onion will both soothe the bite or sting and help to speed healing.