How to Use Eggs to Treat Minor Wounds
Things You'll Need
- Fresh eggs
- Cheesecloth
- Castor oil
- White vinegar
Hard boil an egg and place it in a piece of cheesecloth. Gather the edges together and tie a knot or secure it with a rubber band. Break the egg, shell and all, into small pieces and apply the cheesecloth bag to a bruise. The egg will help heal the bruise as the warmth reduces the pain and swelling.
Use an egg to help reduce scarring of a fresh wound. Break open an egg and place the liquid contents into a bowl. Gently peel the delicate inner skin of the egg away from the shell and place the egg skin over the wound. It will stick to the skin even when dry, healing and helping to prevent a scar from appearing. Replace the egg skin at least twice a day until the wound heals completely.
Soothe a sunburn or minor burn with egg whites. Separate the whites from one large egg and whip into a frothy cream. Add 2 tsp. of castor oil and 2 tsp. of vinegar and stir well. Apply the mixture to a burn, and you will immediately feel soothing relief. Apply the mixture as the heat begins to return, and your burn will heal quickly.
Make a natural, clear bandage to promote the healing of cuts, stop bleeding and reduce scabs. Separate the egg white from the yolk and peel away part of the thin egg skin from the shell. Place the skin over the cut and cover it with a thin layer of egg white. As the egg skin begins to dry and peel up at the edges, reapply the egg white.