How to Heal Cuts and Scrapes With Bananas
Choose a ripe banana, as the peel is softer and contains more moisture which is needed to help heal cuts and scrapes. Peel the banana and enjoy the tasty fruit.
Cut the ends off of the banana peel so that it will rest flat against the skin. Cut the peel down to a convenient size and place it pulp side down over the cut, scrape or bruise.
Hold the peel onto the skin with a large sticky bandage or a wrap bandage and leave it in place over night, or at least one hour. Larger cuts and bruises in particular should be treated overnight, while smaller wounds may be treated for just a few hours. Apply at least once a day until the wound is fully healed, or reduce scarring by continuing to apply banana peel daily to the area until the scar is no longer visible.
Stop the painful itch as the cut or scrape heals buy rubbing a peal gently into the area and allowing it to dry. Apply as needed to stop the urge to scratch.