How to Treat Wounds With Herbs
Cut open an aloe leaf. Aloe contains various compounds that reduce inflammation, swelling and redness of wounds. Apply the clear gel directly to the wound to relieve pain and itching. As a rule of thumb, use aloe gel on wounds that don't require stitches. Don't use it to treat deep wounds that need stitches.
Mash marshmallow roots and apply the gel directly to the wound. The spongy material in marshmallow roots is called mucilage. When the mucilage comes in contact with water, it absorbs the liquid, swells and forms a soothing gel.
Crush some apple leaves. Usually pectin is considered the apple's major medicinal component. But the fruit's leaves contain an antibiotic called phloretin. If you cut yourself in an apple orchard, use apple leaves as immediate first aid. Crush and apply them to the cut or scrape until you can wash and bandage it.
Make a lemon compress. Lemon balm contains chemicals called polyphenols that help fight several infection-causing bacteria. To treat wounds, make a hot compress using 2 tsp. leaves per cup of water. Boil for 10 minutes, strain and apply with a clean cloth.