How to Get Treatment for Gallstones
The gallbladder stores excess bile produced by the liver. It's a small pear-shaped sack and hangs between the liver's lobes. Cholesterol combined with bile produces gallstones. Gallstones can cause severe right upper stomach pain and can even simulate a heart attack. Read on to learn more.Instructions
Get treatment for gallstones naturally. Whereas conventional medicine doctors usually recommend having the gallbladder removed, there are alternative medicine treatments that can flush out the gallbladder, removing the gallstones.
Do a gallbladder flush, following a seven day plan. From Monday to Saturday, drink all the apple juice you possibly can. (You can still eat and drink as you normally do). Three hours after your usual lunch on Saturday, dissolve 2 tsp. of Epsom salts into a small glass of hot water and drink. Brace yourself; it tastes bad. Then, drink a glass of grapefruit juice. Repeat this process 2 hours later.
Continue to get your treatment for gallstones by continuing the gallbladder flush at your evening meal on Saturday. Instead of what you'd usually eat for supper, eat half of a grapefruit and drink another glass of grapefruit juice.
Mix ½ cup of warm, unrefined olive oil and ½ cup of grapefruit juice at bedtime on Saturday. Drink this mixture. Then, mix ½ cup of unrefined olive oil and ½ cup of fresh-squeezed lemon juice. Drink this and then go to bed.
Lie in bed on your right side with your right knee pulled up as close to your chest as possible. Maintain that position for 30 minutes; then you can sleep in your usual position.
Get up Sunday morning and drink 2 tsp. of Epsom salts in a small glass of hot water an hour before you eat your usual breakfast. This completes your gallbladder flush and treatment for gallstones. You might see small green stones shaped irregularly in your bowel movement that day. These cholesterol stones may be the size of kiwi fruit or a little smaller than cherries. Some may resemble grape seeds.