How to Buy Ayurvedic Herbs
Sign up for newsletters from various ayurvedic related web sites. This will give you an opportunity to study up on ayurvedic theory and the use of herbs for various conditions.
Learn your ayurvedic "dosha" type to find the foods and herbs best suited to your particular constitution and how best to detox your body. The types are: vata, pitta and kapha. There are several "What's your dosha?" quizzes online.
Check out ginger. It's probably in your spice rack right now. In ayurvedic culture, ginger is both a common ingredient in many dishes and a frequently used ingredient for medicinal preparations. Ginger is said to be a great digestive aid, easing gas and heartburn symptoms quickly.
Practice making a few natural ayurvedic cures yourself. For example, if you have wrinkles you'd like to erase, try mixing 1 ounce cabbage juice and a teaspoon of honey together and applying it to the face every day.