How to Use Primrose Oil to Treat Asthma
Take primrose oil in tablets or capsules. Evening primrose oil contains an omega-6 essential fatty acid, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), that may soothe asthma symptoms. The body does not produce this fatty acid on its own, so it must be taken in supplement form or in food.
Review the research. Small, limited studies have shown that primrose oil can be of use to treat asthma. Of course, more studies are needed, but research does point to some level of effectiveness.
Orally administer 6 to 8 grams of primrose oil daily. The doses should be divided and not taken all at once. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for best results or consult your herbalist.
Avoid the use of cream or other topical forms, which are intended to treat skin conditions. They will be ineffective against asthma.
Look for additional nutritional content such as vitamin E. Primrose oil should always contain antioxidants such as vitamin E to prevent oxidation.