How to Use Cranberry to Prevent Cancers
Look at the reported effects of proanthocyanidins on tumor cells. Research has shown that growth in tumor cells such as in leukemia, colon and lung tissue is inhibited by the proanthocyanidins in cranberry juice. The healthy cells were not affected.
Use whole cranberries for the best chance of protection against cancers such as breast cancer and cancer in the brain. The pulp (what's left after all the juice is squeezed out) has the highest concentration of potential cancer-fighting ingredients.
Consider the studies that show 250 mg. of cranberry pulp extract inhibited the growth of estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells by as much as 50 percent. Similar studies indicate 10 mg. of extract inhibited growth of up to 50 percent of androgen-dependent prostate cancer cells.
Put dried cranberries in your salad as a possible means to prevent cancer. The phytonutrients in cranberries are reported to act by causing the cancer cells to stop replicating.
Use cranberry juice to enhance the treatment with chemotherapy for cancers. Researchers are finding that treating cancerous ovarian cells with cranberry juice before exposure to chemotherapy will increase the effectiveness of chemo by as much as six times. Cranberries could considerably reduce the amount of chemotherapy required to eradicate ovarian cancer.
Expect the use of cranberry juice to increase the immune system. During treatment for cancer, the immune system is usually severely affected. The high antioxidant component of cranberries is considered to be effective in protecting the immune system.