How to Use Primrose Oil to Help With Digestion
Increase regularity. Primrose oil acts as a natural conductor for healthy digestion by regulating bowel movements. Both constipation and diarrhea respond to primrose oil.
Speak to a trusted herbalist before you use it. Primrose formulas vary and if you look for formulas that are specifically designed to enhance digestion, you're on the right track.
Combine primrose oil with other treatments for a more balanced effect. While primrose oil alone can produce results, studies show that combined methods often work best and can help you to stay healthy longer. Exercise regularly, since inactivity or inconsistent exercise have been shown to decrease healthy digestion. Eat a well-balanced, healthy diet. Foods that contain fiber have long been shown to work wonders for digestion.
Use capsules or tablets. There are topical forms of primrose oil, most of which are used to help an array of skin conditions, such as eczema and acne. For digestive issues, ingested formulas are best.
Keep to a regular dosing schedule. Follow the manufacturer's directions for use and be sure not to stray from them unless your herbalist has designated a different schedule for you based on your own needs.