How to Use Dandelion to Treat Bee Stings
Things You'll Need
- Dandelion
- Mortar and pestle (optional)
- Baking soda (optional)
- Tweezers (optional)
Get the stinger out of your skin immediately to minimize the amount of venom that enters your skin. Fingernails are usually sufficient for the job, but you may need to use tweezers. Ask for help if the stinger is in a part of your body you can't see or reach, such as your back.
Clean the bee sting and the area around it. Bee stings break the skin, and, depending on how gently you remove the stinger, you may have an open cut. To prevent infection, wash with soap and water or wipe with alcohol.
Gather dandelions from a patch of grass. The stems and the leaves are the parts you need. You can discard the flowers.
Grind up the dandelion stems and leaves into a poultice using a mortar and pestle, if you have one handy. If you don't, chew the dandelion to crush it.
Apply the poultice to the bee sting. This remedy helps reduce the inflammation and ease the discomfort of the sting.