How to Use Saw Palmetto in Muscle Building
Use about 160 to 320 mg. of saw palmetto per day, or an amount prescribed by your doctor or an alternative medicine expert. Taking saw palmetto every day, even when you don't work out, will allow you to enjoy the full potential of its anabolic effects.
Learn about the benefits and side effects associated with saw palmetto use. Some scientific studies suggest that saw palmetto functions as an anabolic, or a substance that builds muscle mass. It also has a variety of other uses, from hair loss treatment to use as an aphrodisiac.
Take saw palmetto expecting to encounter relatively few side effects, or none at all. Mild side effects might include temporary bowel disruption, stomach pain and nausea. However, some doctors believe it might trigger profuse bleeding if you cut yourself. Rare but serious side effects may include hypertension, arrhythmia and liver or kidney inflammation.
Identify your muscle-building goals. Determine how much muscle mass you're looking to add and what regions of your body you want to build. Consider joining a gym or investing in workout equipment that will enable your muscle building to take place at home.
Work out regularly, following a treatment regimen that's neither too stressful nor too light. Increase the intensity of your workout as your stamina improves, and look for the first signs of increased muscle mass about 4 to 6 weeks after you start your workout routine.
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