How to Use Cranberry to Lower Cholesterol
Things You'll Need
- Cranberry juice
- Rolled oats
- Water
- Fat-free milk
- Cranberries
- Unsalted almonds
Lower the risk of cardiovascular disease related to high cholesterol with the increase of antioxidant levels when you include cranberry juice in your diet. A minimum of one 8-oz. glass a day is recommended, with the best results from 2 or 3 glasses per day.
Expect the good cholesterol (HDL) to increase as much as 10 percent with an average intake of 3 glasses per day of cranberry juice. The studies done are with cranberry juice that contain about 27 percent of pure cranberry.
Lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) with the phenols that are found in cranberries. These plant chemicals are effective in protecting the arteries from plaque buildup.
Use cranberry juice to supply flavonols, proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. The increase of these flavonoids are active in reducing the ability for the cholesterol to stick to arteries.
Combine oats and cranberries for a heart-healthy breakfast. Put 1/2 cup of rolled oats and 1 1/4 cups of water in a small saucepan.
Bring mixture to a boil and cook for 4 minutes over medium-low heat. Stir the oats to prevent them from sticking.
Pour in 1/4 cup of fat-free milk and cook for 2 minutes. Stir constantly.
Remove the pan from the burner and stir in 1/4 cup of dried cranberries and 14 whole unsalted almonds, chopped.
Top off the oatmeal with about 1 tsp. of brown sugar.
Compare the difference in cranberries and red grapes. Studies show that people who use cranberries to reduce the level of blood cholesterol readings have better results than those who use red grapes.