How to Use Cranberry to Prevent H. Pylori Infections
Consider Alternative Treatment for H. pylori
Treat H. pylori with cranberry to reduce the ability of the microorganism to adhere to the lining of the stomach. The bacteria-blocking properties allow the antibiotics to destroy the bacteria associated with ulcers before they have the opportunity to proliferate.
Drink 500 ml. of cranberry juice each day for 90 days or as directed by your health care provider to remove the H. pylori bacteria. After the ulcer has had time to heal, you may consider a daily regimen of cranberry juice to prevent reinfection or the recurrence of an ulcer.
Find powdered concentrates of cranberry available in several strengths. Follow the directions for use to prevent gastric ulcers, or check with your health care provider.
Take cranberry in conjunction with a diet low in fat and high in fiber to receive the maximum benefit while treating gastritis or gastric ulcer infections. High fiber helps you to heal faster while cranberry inhibits the regrowth of the bacteria.
Use cranberry to prevent H. pylori infections from eroding the protective coating of the stomach and producing ulceration. While most people live with H. pylori with no obvious effects, many experience the pain and distress of gastric or duodenal ulcers.
Make Your Own Cranberry Juice
Wash fresh cranberries thoroughly.
Place cranberries in a pot large enough to completely cover the cranberries with water.
Bring to a boil and cook until the cranberries are soft, stirring occasionally to keep from sticking.
Strain the mixture through a cheesecloth lined sieve to remove pulp.
Sweeten the juice with 1 cup of sugar to 3 cups of juice (or sweeten to taste).
Boil juice for 15 minutes.
Pour juice into pre-sterilized jars and seal for storage.