How to Use Lavender to Treat Hair Loss
Things You'll Need
- Lavender essential oil
- Thyme essential oil
- Cedarwood essential oil
- Rosemary essential oil
- Jojoba oil
- Grapeseed oil
- Eyedropper
- Towels
Use a small bowl to mix the essential oils required for the hair tonic. You will need 3 drops of lavender, thyme, cedarwood and rosemary essential oils.
Add 1/8 cup of jojoba oil and 1/8 cup of grapeseed oil. These oils are the carrier oils. Carrier oils deliver the essential oils' healing properties to the scalp without irritating it.
Mix all the oils thoroughly. Their scents will start to permeate the air.
Use an eyedropper to gather up a few drops of the hair tonic. Put it in your hair. You may want to do this over a sink so you do not drip on yourself.
Massage the lavender oil mixture into your scalp for 3 to 5 minutes each night. Pay special attention to bald patches but apply to your entire scalp.
Wash your hands well with soap and water after applying the oil.
Wrap your head in a towel or spread a towel over your pillow to avoid getting the oil on your bedclothes.
Keep the oil in a tightly closed container. Store it in a cool, dry place.
Examine the results. Essential oils stimulate the senses and the hair follicles. Some people report a slower rate of hair loss from using lavender oil, while others report new hair growth as well.