How to Treat Cuts With Black Pepper

Alternative medicines are gaining in popularity as we become aware of all the possibilities inherent in the herbs and spices that surround us. Black pepper is one such spice that has medicinal properties. Below is a look at how you can use black pepper to stop bleeding and help heal your cuts.


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      Rinse the cut. Make sure to get rid of any dirt or foreign matter that you might find. Be sure to cleanse it thoroughly before doing anything that might press infectious material further into the cut.

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      Dab up any bleeding as best you can with a clean, sterile cloth or paper towel. If possible, keep the affected body part elevated; gravity will help stop the bleeding during this part of your treatment.

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      Put black pepper on the cut. Ground black pepper is ideal for this, whether from the kitchen shaker or from packets of black pepper.

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      Bandage securely. Depending on the size of the cut, use a normal adhesive strip, or, if necessary, adhesive tape with gauze. Be sure to cover all areas of the cut to help stop the bleeding and to keep out dirt and germs.

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      Check the cut daily to monitor healing. With one application you should see significant progress such that you shouldn't have to repeat the process. You will notice that the black pepper has the effect of stopping the bleeding while assuring that the cut heals, often without much indication of scarring.

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