How to Use a Home Remedy for Nail Fungus

Nail fungus usually occurs when the toenails are exposed to damp public areas, such as the gym, swimming pools or public bathrooms. Nail fungus causes your nails to become discolored, and a foul smelling substance will begin to grow under the nail. You may also experience pain at the nail site. There are several home remedies you can use to cure nail fungus.


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      Use tea tree oil. Placing a small amount of tea tree oil on the affected toe will clean the toe out and also act as a fungicide.

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      Soak the infected foot in a mixture of equal parts warm water and apple cider vinegar. The mixture works as an antiseptic.

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      Mix oregano oil and olive oil. Place a few drops on the nail fungus. Oregano oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, analgesic and antifungal properties.

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      Apply grapefruit seed extract. Another remedy that you can use is to spritz the extract onto the affected site twice a day.

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      Dry feet thoroughly after placing any type of home remedy upon them. Damp toes will breed more fungus.

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