How to Balance Your Body's Chemicals Through Orthomolecular Medicine
Things You'll Need
- Orthomolecular medicine doctor
- Computer with Internet access
- Telephone
Educate Yourself About Orthomolecular Medicine
Understand that orthomolecular medicine practitioners do not consider their field to be 'alternative medicine' but a necessary complement to other medical practices. These practitioners feel that orthomolecular medicine is a safe treatment while more tests are performed on commercial pharmaceuticals, which typically have dangerous side-effects.
Know that the process of orthomolecular medicine only tries to correct the balance of chemicals found naturally in your body through adding or subtracting nutrients. Nothing foreign is ever introduced.
Learn that orthomolecular medicine was first tested in the 1950s to treat mental disorders. Later, in the 1960s, Linus Pauling adopted the treatment in regards to psychiatry. He believed that 'the right molecules in the right amounts' were medically beneficial.
Learn more online at Web sites like Orthomolecular Medicine Online (see Resources below).
Contact a Doctor and Balance Your Body
Find an orthomolecular medicine doctor at the American College for Advancement in Medicine Web site, which allows you to search by specialty (see Resources below).
Speak with your chosen doctor to see if this treatment is right for you, and then set up a nutritional plan that can correct and restore the chemical balance of your body.
Understand that the entire purpose of orthomolecular medicine is to correct chemical imbalances for the physical and mental benefit of the patient. By undergoing treatment with a skilled practitioner, you will balance your body's chemicals.