How to Find an Orthomolecular Doctor
Things You'll Need
- Computer with Internet access
Decide if Orthomolecular Medicine Is for You
Learn about orthomolecular medicine before undergoing treatment. The practice, which originated as a way to alleviate neurological disorders in the 1950s, was later assimilated by Linus Pauling to treat a wider range of illnesses, like cancer, influenza and autism.
Know that the concept of treating patients with nutrients was first considered a last resort when traditional medicine failed. Today, doctors who practice this method consider it a safe, effective alternative.
Learn more when you visit Orthomolecular Medicine Online (see Resources below).
Find an Orthomolecular Medicine Practitioner
Use the search engine at the American College for Advancement in Medicine Web site to locate a practitioner (see Resources below).
Find a Web site dedicated to orthomolecular practitioners. provides links to doctors in both the United States and abroad (see Resources below).
Call the offices of practitioners within a reasonable distance to schedule an initial consultation. Find out how long this consultation will last and whether or not you will be charged for it.
Make an appointment with the practitioner(s) who strike you as the most trustworthy and experienced. Arrive at your appointment with a list of questions.
Begin a course of treatment if the practitioner feels--and you agree--that you could benefit from orthomolecular medical treatment.