How to Draw Tapeworms Out
See your doctor as soon as possible if you suspect that you have a tapeworm infestation. Tell your doctor about any symptoms you've experienced. Your doctor will perform some tests to diagnose whether you do have an infection; you will probably need to provide a stool sample.
Take prescribed medications exactly as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. The best way to get rid of tapeworms is by taking medication. If you don't follow the prescription directions, the medicine may not help get rid of the infestation.
Practice good hygiene. Most medications kill and draw out adult tapeworms, not eggs. That means if you do not follow basic hygiene guidelines, you may accidentally reinfect yourself with tapeworms. Wash your hands regularly, especially after using the bathroom.
See your doctor again at the end of your medication course. You'll need to provide another stool sample so your doctor can check whether the infestation is gone.