Tests to Know Which Bach Flower Remedies to Use
Rescue Remedy for Anxiety
Essences of flowers are used in Bach Remedies. If you are overly stressed and suffering from anxiety, then the Rescue Remedy may be for you. The most commonly prescribed Bach remedy, it is used for stress and anxiety. Used to quell anxiety attacks and ease tension, the Rescue Remedy is a mix of Impatiens, Rock Rose, Clematis, Cherry Plum and Star of Bethlehem. This remedy is also know as the Five Flower Remedy. Before taking any Bach Flower Remedy, check with your doctor.
Cherry Plum for Fear
If you are overly strained and afraid of your reason giving way, Cherry Plum might be part of the flower remedy for you. Usually remedies are made up of more then one essence. The Flower Remedy questionnaires will help determine if Cherry Plum essence is what you need (see Resources).
Chicory for Being Overly Concerned About Others
Being mindful of others is a good thing, except when it goes to extremes. Awareness of the needs of others at the expense of oneself can be taken too far. An essence of Chicory in a flower remedy can aid in redirecting some of your focus back to you and your life.
Honeysuckle for Living in the Past
Impatiens can be part of a remedy. You may find yourself focusing on the past too much. Whether pining for what was or reliving the past, it can interfere in your present. Dr. Bach believed that essence of Honeysuckle could help bring you out of dwelling on the past and into your current life.
Impatiens to Cure Impatience
If you suffer from road rage, hate standing in line or lack patience with your family, friends, boss or children, Essence of Impatiens might help you achieve a more peaceful, patient self. This flower essence is especially useful in today's hectic society.
Clematis for Low Energy
Spending your days dreaming away can be a serious problem if it is stopping you from achieving your goals. The Bach Flower Remedy to help overcome excessive dreaminess will most likely contain Clematis.
Take An Online Test
Online questionnaires are available to test which Bach Flower Remedy is right for you (see Resources.) Or, you can go to your local Bach Flower Specialist. Many organic food stores, herb shops and alternative medicine practitioners can help aid you in finding the combination of plant and flower essences that will help you.