How to Make Colloidal Silver Without Salt

Colloidal silver forms when an electric current passes down two 99.9 percent silver wires into distilled water. A constant current generator forces silver particles off the wires into the water. Makers of homemade colloidal silver sometimes add salt to speed up the process. It usually takes more than an hour to make. Distillation removes impurities, minerals and salts from the water. Making colloidal silver using non-distilled water with added salt leads to the formation of silver chloride. Regular or excessive consumption of this solution leads to a permanent condition called argyria when the skin develops a blue tinge.

Things You'll Need

  • Colloidal silver generator
  • Two 99.9% silver rods
  • Mason jar
  • Distilled water
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  1. Preparing the Solution

    • 1

      Clean the kitchen top surface to free the area from possible contamination by dust and cleaning chemicals.

    • 2

      Place the generator close to an electrical socket for easy access.

    • 3

      Fill a clean Mason jar to just under the neck with distilled water.

    • 4

      Insert each silver wire into the jack on the underside of the generator. Push each in as far as it will go.

    • 5

      Connect the generator's electric flex to the machine.

    • 6

      Sit the generator with its two vertical silver wires, over the open mouth of jar. If the generator can't sit on the top of the open jar, place a ruler across the top and place the generator on that. Do not allow the wires to touch the side of the jar.

    • 7

      Plug the electric flex into the socket and switch it on.

    • 8

      Brew the colloidal silver for a maximum of 100 minutes if using a basic generator with no 'process complete' indicator light.

    After Brewing

    • 9

      Switch off the electricity and remove the plug from the socket.

    • 10

      Take the generator off the top of the jar and gently pull out the flex.

    • 11

      Place the lid on the jar and secure it tightly. Store the colloidal solution in a cool dark place until ready for use.

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