How to Create an Alkaline Body Chemistry

The scale used for measuring pH balance spans from 0 to 14, with 7 serving as the neutral point. An alkaline body would have a pH above 7, with 7.35 being the ideal balance. When the body falls below 7 into acidity, cellular body processes no longer function at an optimum level --- a condition known as acidosis, or an excessively acid condition of the body fluids or tissues. Symptoms of acidosis include headache, chronic fatigue, shortness of breath and muscle weakness. Over time, acidosis can cause multiple metabolic diseases, including kidney disease. Eating alkaline foods increases pH balance in the urine.


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      Ingest more fruits and vegetables. Include vegetables such as carrots, celery, cucumber, spinach and watercress. Fruits --- including acidic citrus fruits such as grapefruit, watermelon and pineapple --- increase pH balance found in the urine. Other alkalizing foods include figs, soy bean, almonds, millet, coconut and buckwheat. Clinical nutritionist Suzanne Le Quesne includes these foods in her top 80 alkaline forming foods.

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      Reduce meat consumption. Any type of animal flesh, including fish, increases acidity in the body, as reported by Dr. William Howard Hay in his book "A New Health Era." Try "meatless Mondays," avoiding all meat products for one day of the week. At least try to have one meatless meal a day. A vegetarian or vegan lifestyle is best for reducing acidity in the body.

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      Reduce dairy consumption. Like meats, all animal products including milk, eggs and cheese increase acidity. Use soy or almond milk in place of traditional dairy milk. Replace a regular frozen pizza with a pizza made with soy cheese. Dairy-free products are becoming increasing common and easy to find at local grocery stores. Look for dairy-free items in the produce and freezer sections.

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      Drink more filtered water; shoot for eight glasses daily. Replace coffee, black teas and soda, which are acid forming, with filtered water. Include slices of fresh lemon, grapefruit or peaches in water to boost taste and alkaline levels.

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      Reduce stress with yoga or calming exercise. Yoga can both reduce stress (which increases acidity) and help you focus heavily on breathing. Proper breathing reduces acidity by increasing oxygen in the bloodstream. Holding your breath or breathing shallowly increases carbon dioxide in the blood, which leads to higher acidity levels.

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      Decrease alcohol consumption. Alcohol increases lactic acid and can cause lactic acidosis. Over time, consumption of alcohol can cause brain damage and liver disease.

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