How to Detoxify With Vinegar
Things You'll Need
- Apple cider vinegar
- Honey
Make vinegar tea by mixing two teaspoons of vinegar with one cup of hot water and one teaspoon of honey. The honey will help to cut some of the tart flavor of the vinegar. Using apple cider vinegar will further help the flavoring.
Detoxify facial skin by applying apple cider vinegar to the skin for several days in a row. Pour the apple cider vinegar on a paper towel and wipe the face with it. Stay away from the eyes to avoid any possible stinging.
Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with an 8 ounce cup of ice cold water, mix well and drink as quickly as possible to avoid the taste. Drink one of these glasses before each meal. This is a quick mixture for people short on time and ingredients, that will help improves digestion and gastrointestinal health through toxin removal.
Add apple cider vinegar to a hot bath to detoxify and balance the pH level of the skin. Take one bath a day, not more than 20 minutes long. Start with one quarter of a cup of apple cider vinegar the first few days, and increase slowly each day, until you reach one cup per bath. To use as a detoxifying foot bath, add only a few tablespoons.