Natural Cures for Tiredness
The B-complex vitamin encompasses the whole spectrum of B vitamins that work together to support the nervous system, increase energy levels and protect cells from free radical damage. Of special importance is vitamin B5 for adrenal health, vitamin B6 for balanced serotonin levels, and B9 and B12 for energy, memory, concentration and focus. B-complex can be taken as a nutritional supplement, or through the diet in foods such as pork, nutritional yeast, nuts, seeds and sea vegetables.
CoQ10 is an antioxidant enzyme that is vital for manufacturing cellular energy and is present in every tissue of the body. Although the body produces CoQ10, taking this enzyme as a supplement can provide added benefits. According to James Balch, M.D., and Mark Stengler, N.D., authors of "Prescriptions for Natural Cures," 100 mg of CoQ10 three times daily is recommended for improving symptoms of fatigue. CoQ10 is also obtained naturally in the diet by eating red meat, chicken and fish.
Ashwagandha, also known as withania, is a native plant of India that has been used in traditional and contemporary herbal medicine for insomnia, chronic fatigue and low immune function. According to Kerry Bone, author of "The Clinical Guide to Blending Liquid Herbs", Ashwagandha root improves stamina, supports cardiovascular function, balances sleep cycles and strengthens adrenal gland function. Take ashwagandha daily to protect your body from stress in the form of a supplement, tea or a liquid tincture.
Ginseng root is known worldwide for its restorative properties. A rich source of natural chemicals called ginsengosides, ginseng root helps combat stress and increases stamina. According to an 2003 article by Vince Boyd published in "Modern Phytotherapist," ginseng helps to improve symptoms of fatigue, tired limbs, low appetite and poor memory. Take ginseng root as a supplement, a tea or liquid tincture. This herbal product may increase blood pressure so if you are currently afflicted and taking medication, consult your health care professional.
Rhodiola, also known as golden root and arctic root, is a Siberian herb that has become the focus of recent medical research. In a review of research published in Alternative Medicine Review in 2002, rhodiola was found to increase stamina, endurance and decrease stress levels through the balance of hormones such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. The review recommends using a standardized extract of rhodiola rosea root to ensure you receive a clinically significant level of the active chemicals in the plant.