All-Natural Stress Relievers
Stress is probably one of the most ubiquitous conditions of adult life. Though the condition no doubt existed throughout history, the theory that there are negative physiological reactions to negative changes in a person's external environment wasn't introduced until the mid-19th century by French physiologist Claude Bernard. It was much later that stress was recognized as a life-threatening health condition that could be treated with various therapies and lifestyle adjustments.-
Auricular or ear acupuncture has proven effective in reducing anxiety and stress. A study by Shu-Ming Wang, MD, at the Yale University School of Medicine revealed that mothers who received auricular acupuncture before their child's surgery experienced significantly less anxiety than mothers who receive acupuncture in other parts of the body. Acupuncture involves the virtually painless insertion of very thin needles. There are no side effects. If you are interested in exploring acupuncture as a treatment for stress, request recommendations from friends or from the nearest acupuncture school or clinic.
Physiological tension resulting from mental or emotional stress accumulates around the acupressure points. Fatigue, trauma, stress factors, chemical imbalances and poor circulation can cause muscles to become chronically tense or spasmodic, accumulating secretions of lactic acid. A trained acupressure practitioner can apply pressure at certain points along a muscle that allows muscle fibers to relax and elongate and the nurturing blood supply to flow more freely, cleansing and eliminating toxins from the body. Acupressure can also be self-administered.
Physical activity increases the production of endorphins in the body, giving you a feeling of well-being. Regular exercise, even if it is mild, can make a big difference in how you feel. It can enhance your mood and help you sleep better at night, which in itself improves other aspects of your life. Don't fail to make it a part of your stress management therapy.
Regular meditation practice can result in a state of relaxation and tranquility that is an effective antidote against stress. If you have difficulty focusing your attention on your breath and turning your attention away from the thoughts that crowd your mind, try listening to a recorded meditation or visualization tape. Recordings of meditation bells, timed for 15-, 20-, 30-, 45- or 60-minute meditation sessions are available on the Internet if you don't have a bell of your own. Meditation can improve your emotional and overall health, and even some medical conditions.
Massage is an effective alternative treatment for stress relief and depression or anxiety. There are several different kinds of massage, including the Swedish technique that uses long strokes, circular movements, gentle kneading and vibration. Massage is offered in many different settings, from massage therapists' offices, hospitals and clinics, to health spas and airports.
Yoga is an alternative medicine practice that can help with relaxation, stress management and anxiety. Although yoga practice can involve comprehensive changes in behavior and nutrition, many benefits can be obtained by practicing only the postures and breathing exercises.