Training for Bach Flower Remedies
Several methods of training offer a student the opportunity to learn through the process that works best for her.
Level I Training
The Bach Centre offers level I Bach-approved courses through correspondence, approved independent courses or through the Bach International Education Programme centers around the world. Those living in Europe may enroll in Anglia Ruskin University's flower remedy module, which covers all training levels as a part of the complementary medicine degree plan. A homeopaths' three-day training course, covering levels I and II, is offered annually in London. The Bach Centre lists information on registration and requirements on their official website.
Level II and III Training
The Bach Centre offers several options for level II and III training, in their Mount Vernon, England headquarters. Bach International Education Programme and independent-approved courses offer options for those who do not desire to travel to The Bach Centre for training.
Level II training participants must complete level I and have experience working with the remedies. Level III participants must complete levels I and II. This level focuses on the skills required by professional practitioners. A separate level III course for veterinarians provides training in using the remedies with animals.
Trainer Training
Bach Foundation Registered Practitioners who have completed all three levels may contact the Bach Centre to obtain information about becoming an approved trainer in Bach flower remedies. The Bach Centre, or a Bach Centre-approved training program, provides training for trainers.
Non-Approved Courses
Practitioners who use flower remedies often provide introductory classes for individuals who want to learn more about the remedies and their use. These courses, and any other course that is not Bach Centre approved, do not provide certified training and will not allow you to take levels II and III trainings. Make sure a course has Bach Centre approval, if you desire to achieve certification in Bach flower remedies.
Other Options
The Bach Centre offers an online seminar that does not include certification. International presenters in France, India, Germany, Australia and other countries offer courses that focus on specific specialties. Find a listing of these trainings on the Bach Centre website,
Books, DVDs and courses offered through practitioners may provide the student additional training beyond the introductory level. Apprenticeship programs with practitioners offer students hands-on experience with oversight, during the learning process, but may not offer certification without approval from the Bach Centre.
Independent learning may include flower remedies beyond the Bach remedies; such as, California Flower Essences, Himalayan Aditi Flower Essences and the Flower Essence Society.