Uses of Argentyn 23 Colloidal Silver

Argentyn 23 colloidal silver is used to treat infections caused by bacteria and fungi, as well as to inhibit the growth and spread of bacteria and fungi on medical instruments and in hospital settings. According to the manufacturer's fact sheet, "Argentyn 23 is designed to provide precise levels of functional silver in safe and non-toxic ranges. It contains only silver metal ions and ultra-pure water, and the silver content is 99.99% pure."
  1. Silver Ions

    • Briefly, silver ions, which are charged atoms, can regulate cellular immune functions when treating fungal or bacterial pathogens causing infection. Silver can interfere with the formation of proteins and DNA, which are necessary for the growth and proliferation of these pathogens. Because of its positive charges, silver ions can literally pull electrons away from other molecules and weaken them to the point where they break and become biologically useless and susceptible to cleavage by enzymes.

    Fungi and Medical Devices

    • Argentyn 23 colloidal silver is used in hospitals to prevent the growth of fungi on medical devices. Fungal infections of this sort are referred to nosocomial, or "hospital-acquired," infections and have been a major concern in the health-care industry. An article appearing in the October 2010 issue of "Biomolecules" compared the anti-fungal actions of colloidal silver to a compound that incorporates colloidal silver into a silica base. The study found that the incorporation of the silica increased the effectiveness of colloidal silver by allowing the compound to more efficiently coat medical devices and prevent the growth of fungi.

    Antibacterial Effects

    • Argentyn 23 colloidal silver is also used to prevent bacterial infections. An article appearing in a 2006 edition of "Current Problems in Dermatology" investigated the antibacterial effects of colloidal silver through its incorporation into fabrics for clinical use to prevent the spread of disease. The study found that colloidal silver will interfere with the formation of proteins and amino acids, which are the building blocks of DNA and RNA, thereby inhibiting the growth of bacterial cells. The authors cautioned, however, that inhalation or chronic ingestion of colloidal silver can induce non-life threatening conditions such as irritation to the eyes and discoloration of the skin.

    Yeast Infection

    • Oropharyngeal candidiasis is a yeast infection occurring in the mouth and throat, which is most often seen in immunocompromised individuals such as those suffering from cancer or AIDS. A study published in the August 1997 issue of "Pharmacology World Science" investigated the effects of mouthwashes with colloidal silver to treat the occurrence of oral yeast infections. Additionally, this study evaluated the stability, or shelf life, of products containing colloidal silver. The study found that these products were effective in the treatment of the disease and were stable for up to nine days when stored at 5 degrees Celsius.


    • Colloidal silver is readily available from many manufacturers and is widely advertised on the Internet. Although colloidal silver appears to have minimal side effects and is available without a prescription, consult a primary health care professional before using this compound to treat infections.

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