Natural Ways to Reduce Varicose Veins & Spider Veins
Compression Socks
One of the first methods of at-home treatment for varicose and spider veins to reduce swelling and discomfort on legs can be the use of compression socks. These socks are available at many clothing stores, and come in many different styles and colors. Compression socks are support socks, or even hose, that squeeze your legs throughout the day to improve circulation. For even stronger compression socks, a prescription from a doctor can be prescribed to help people with severe cases of swollen varicose veins.
Herbal Supplements
The use of herbs and vitamins to treat minor health issues at home has exploded over the past few years. Vitamins C and E have been used to help treat the swelling of spider and varicose veins, while a diet that is low in salt and high in sugar may also help reduce vein swelling. Fiber also may strength vein walls, which eases the pressure on the veins. Removing or reducing the consumption of high animal proteins and starchy foods many also help vein swelling, and possibly stop more varicose veins from forming.
Poor circulation in legs can be caused by the lack of proper exercise, and the restriction of movement. Walking, cycling and running are three ways to improve blood circulation in spider and varicose veins, and could also improve the appearance of the swollen veins. Even daily short walks, wearing loose clothing in the affected area, and wearing low-heeled shoes may provide relief to the veins. Losing weight by improving your diet and exercise may help prevent further swelling in the veins.
Massages can be beneficial to the circulation of blood in varicose and spider veins. Massages to help ease varicose vein pain and swelling can either be performed by a professional, a loved one or even by the one suffering from the swollen veins. Daily massages to the affected area may over time greatly reduce the appearance of varicose veins, and the massages could be reduced to weekly or even monthly treatments to keep more spider or varicose veins from forming.