Easy Ways to Drink Mineral Oil
Straight Up
While probably the least pleasant way to consume mineral oil, it is possible to drink the stuff straight up. You simply measure out the amount of mineral oil that you should be consuming into a glass and you throw it back like you would cough syrup or strong alcohol. The less time it stays in your mouth and the faster you drink it, the less of the taste that you're going to have to experience.
If you don't enjoy taking your mineral oil with nothing else, you can mix it into a glass of something more pleasant. If you have juice or tea, mix your mineral oil into a glass with about 8 ounces of your preferred mix beverage. Once you have the mix right you just drink the concoction down and consider your dose taken.
For those who want to completely avoid drinking mineral oil, you can mix up an enema to clear blockage just as well. Filtered water and 8 ounces of mineral oil kept at an even 103 degrees should be put into the bag and the bulb respectively. This way is faster than drinking the mineral oil, and you don't have to deal with the taste, but you are getting an enema, which comes with its own set of difficulties.
It's important that you talk to your doctor before drinking mineral oil for any reason. Though it is a natural laxative, laxatives in general aren't good for your body and it might come to depend on their use over time. Your doctor will be able to tell you, based on your medical history, height, age and weight, roughly how much mineral oil you should be taking if you're having issues with constipation.