Natural Ways to Increase Energy
A Balanced Diet
Eating a balanced diet ensures proper levels of vitamins and minerals are consumed. According to WebMD, a slight magnesium deficiency could be the source of low energy levels. The recommended daily intake of magnesium is about 300 milligrams for women and 350 milligrams for men. A natural way to give the body enough magnesium is to add a handful of almonds, hazelnuts or cashews to your daily diet. In addition, eat more fish and whole grains.
Take a Walk
Increasing physical activity, like walking, elevates energy. Experiments conducted at California State University reveal that a brisk 10-minute walk not only increased energy, but the effects lasted up to two hours. In addition, when the daily 10-minute walks continued for three weeks, overall energy levels and moods were lifted.
Take a Power Nap
Both data overload and over-exerting the brain can decrease energy. The National Institutes of Mental Health recommends a 60-minute power nap to reverse mind-numbing effects of information overload.
Drink More Water
A slight dehydration can often leave one feeling lethargic and fatigued. Keep your body hydrated with about eight glasses of water a day.