Directions for Castor Oil Packs
Things You'll Need
- Wool or cotton flannel -- free of artificial colors and sized to fit the target area
- Castor oil
- Plastic wrap
- Hot water bottle or heating pad
- Bowl or container with lid
- Baking soda
- Water
- Clean cloth
Fold a piece of wool or flannel so that it is three layers thick and large enough to cover the affected area. Place the material in a bowl and pour in enough castor oil to saturate it. Wring out excess oil to prevent dripping.
Place the oil-saturated material directly on the skin for healing. Cover the material with a sheet of plastic wrap. Ensure all material edges are covered.
Place a hot water bottle on top of the plastic wrap. If the area is sensitive, use a heating pad. Leave the heat in place for 60 minutes. Relax and be still while the pack is in place.
Remove the pack. Wipe the area of excess oil and wash with a mixture of 1 tsp. baking soda to a pint of water.
Place the pack in an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator for reuse, up to 25 times.