How to Get a Medical Card in Colorado
Things You'll Need
- Colorado driver's license
- Documentation of approved illness
- Medical marijuana registry application form
Consult with your doctor about whether marijuana will help your diagnosed debilitating condition. Colorado law allows marijuana use for the treatment of cancer, glaucoma and immunodeficiency viruses. Other conditions that may benefit from marijuana use are those that cause severe pain, nausea or seizures.
Obtain written documentation from your doctor. This documentation must include your medical diagnosis and your physician's opinion that you would benefit from the use of marijuana. Doctors can use the physician certification form provided by the state of Colorado or they may provide portions of your medical records as documentation. Make sure your doctor has a license to practice medicine in the state of Colorado and that he has a current license from the Drug Enforcement Agency.
Download a medical marijuana registry application form from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment website. Some professional caregivers also have forms available. Check with the company that manages your caregiver and see if it provides medical marijuana application assistance.
Complete the application. Write legibly and have spare copies on hand in case you make a mistake. Crossing out information or using White Out will void the application. You must fill out all sections of the application. However, you may opt out of the "provider" section if you don't have a professional caregiver. Sign and date the application in front of a notary and have the document notarized.
Attach an easy-to-read copy of your Colorado driver's license. Include a copy of your caregiver's driver's license as well, if you have a caregiver.
Mail your application. Be sure to enclose a check or money order for the $90 application fee. Send all materials to the address on the application. Your application will be reviewed within 30 days. Within five days of review you will be issued a card or a notice of rejection.