Natural Flea Remedies
Herbal Shampoos
Lathering up your pet with an herbal shampoo can clear up fleas. Shampoos with essential oils from bergamot, rosemary, eucalyptus and lavender are known for their flea repellent properties. However, you should never use a shampoo on your pet that is not developed for animal use. When washing your pet with these essential oils, start at the neck area and move downwards. This stops the fleas from escaping to the head of the pet. Use caution when pouring water or soap on your pet's head. Soapy water might splash into your pet's ears and eyes, causing discomfort and possible infection.
Aromatherapy With Essential Oils
Aromatherapy can also drive away fleas. You can make a remedy by pouring one part lavender and and one part cedar wood oil into a bottle or container, mixing this with a pure almond oil base. Shake the essential oils together in a container. Sprinkle the oils on your pet's skin to deter any more fleas from infesting the animal. You should distribute the oil evenly throughout the pet's coat, but do not use too much or the fur will become coated and difficult to clean. The strong fragrances will discourage fleas from infesting your pet.
Homemade Flea Collar
For dog owners with a flea problem, homemade flea collars can provide some relief. Using two tablespoons of peppermint oil, white cedar oil, and eucalyptus oil, a half cup of rosemary essential oil and a fourth of a cup of citronella oil, mix together the oils and then soak a rope collar or bandanna in the mixture. After letting it dry for a few hours, tie the new collar around your dog's neck. Never use this remedy on cats, however.
Adding garlic to a pet's diet can help to deter fleas. Feed cats a half of a garlic clove or a half teaspoon of powdered yeast daily. Dogs need up to two cloves of garlic daily. As with cats, alternatively feed dogs powdered yeast,although large dogs may require up to two teaspoons daily. By adding these foods to your pet's diet, its skin will begin to excrete natural oils that fleas will find inhospitable.